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Pentru Senseo®


130 produse
Senseo Original HD6553 1
299,00 lei
Senseo Extra Strong package and pods for Senseo
29,99 lei
0,83 lei / ceașcă
Kaffekapslen Hazelnut 36 package and pods for Senseo
26,49 lei
0,74 lei / ceașcă
Kaffekapslen Caramel 36 package and pods for Senseo
26,49 lei
0,74 lei / ceașcă
Street Joe's Classic Caramel Coffee Syrup
13,99 lei
Café René Hazelnut package and pods for Senseo
11,49 lei
0,64 lei / ceașcă
Street Joe's Salted Caramel Coffee Syrup
13,99 lei
Kaffekapslen Chocolate Flavour senseo pads
26,49 lei
0,74 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Strong XXL Mega Pack package and pods for Senseo
34,99 lei
0,73 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Cafe Latte package and pods for Senseo
14,49 lei
1,81 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Cappuccino Choco package and pods for Senseo
14,49 lei
1,81 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Cappuccino Caramel package and pods for Senseo
14,49 lei
1,81 lei / ceașcă
Milka package and pods for Senseo
17,99 lei
2,25 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Classic XXL Mega Pack package and pods for Senseo
34,99 lei
0,73 lei / ceașcă
Baileys Cappuccino package and pods for Senseo
13,49 lei
1,69 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Cappuccino big pack
27,99 lei
1,75 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Gold package and pods for Senseo
29,99 lei
0,83 lei / ceașcă
Café René Strong Big Pack package and pods for Senseo
13,49 lei
0,37 lei / ceașcă
Douwe Egberts Aroma Rood 54 package and pods for Senseo
49,99 lei
0,93 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Caramel package and pods for Senseo
26,99 lei
0,84 lei / ceașcă
Kaffekapslen Decaf 36 package and pods for Senseo
24,29 lei
0,67 lei / ceașcă
Kaffekapslen Vanilla 36 package and pods for Senseo
26,49 lei
0,74 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Decaf package and pods for Senseo
29,99 lei
0,83 lei / ceașcă
Gimoka Strong package and pods for Senseo
24,99 lei
0,52 lei / ceașcă
Café René Espresso package and pods for Senseo
13,49 lei
0,37 lei / ceașcă
Café René Classic package and pods for Senseo
13,49 lei
0,37 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Vanilla package and pods for Senseo
26,99 lei
0,84 lei / ceașcă
Gimoka Classic package and pods for Senseo
24,99 lei
0,52 lei / ceașcă
Kaffekapslen Classic 36 package and pods for Senseo
22,09 lei
0,61 lei / ceașcă
Kaffekapslen Extra Strong 36 package and pods for Senseo
22,09 lei
0,61 lei / ceașcă
Street Joe's Coffee Syrup Classic Caramel
13,99 lei
Street Joe's Vanilla Sugar free syrup
13,99 lei
Café René Vanilla package and pods for Senseo
11,49 lei
0,64 lei / ceașcă
Café René Almond package and pods for Senseo
11,49 lei
0,64 lei / ceașcă
Street Joe's Salted Caramel sugar free sirup
13,99 lei
Grand mere classique for Senseo
28,99 lei
0,54 lei / ceașcă
Gimoka Decaf package and pods for Senseo
24,99 lei
0,52 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Corsé 60 package and pods for Senseo
43,99 lei
0,73 lei / ceașcă
Street Joe's Sweet Vanilla Coffee Syrup
13,99 lei
Kaffekapslen Strong 36 package and pods for Senseo
22,09 lei
0,61 lei / ceașcă
Café René Caramel package and pods for Senseo
11,49 lei
0,64 lei / ceașcă
Senseo Decaf 40 package and pods for Senseo
29,99 lei
0,75 lei / ceașcă
Kaffekapslen intro mix for Senseo

Pret standard 66,27 lei începand de la 53,00 lei 0,49 lei / ceașcă

Pumpkin spice sirup
16,99 lei
Senseo Classique 60 package and pods for Senseo
43,99 lei
8,80 lei / ceașcă


Chai coffee sirup
16,99 lei
Cashmere Grey Senseo Original Eco coffee machine
299,00 lei
Kaffekapslen podholder
59,99 lei

Senseo and Senseo pads

Senseo has made a coffee system for those who love a quick cup of wonderful coffee in good company. Senseo believes that coffee tastes better when enjoyed with others. On many of their coffee machines you can brew two cups of coffee at a time.
With your Senseo machine, you need never again brew too much coffee that eventually goes to waste. The machine always brews exactly as many cups as you need. With this machine you will not only avoid coffee waste, but it will always serve you a hot and tasty cup of coffee. You will always get the classic coffee taste in every single prepared cup.
Senseo coffee machines can create many different kinds of aromatic coffee - with and without milk. With the coffee pads, you never have to worry about making too much coffee. The coffee pads contain the perfect dose for a single cup of coffee. All you need take care over is the kind of Senseo coffee you like best. In addition to coffee, your machine can also prepare hot and creamy cocoa.
New hot drinks are constantly being developed for preparation with the Senseo machine. There will always be regular opportunities to try new and exciting drinks. It is a sign of quality when your freshly brewed cup of coffee comes with a delicious layer of foam on top. It gives the coffee a delightful creamy texture and a great taste. The foam layer is formed by the pressure under which the coffee is brewed.
Senseo does not brew Espresso, as a higher bar pressure is required when preparing this drink. The machine can, however, always produce a strong and aroma-filled coffee.

Philips Senseo machines

The Senseo machines were developed by Philips, which began as a manufacturer of lightbulbs. Originally from the Netherlands, Philips has significantly expanded its technological solutions since its founding in 1891. This has resulted in Philips today not only producing light bulbs, but coffee machines and high-tech appliances and machines for hospitals. There’s a lot of technology hidden in your Senseo machine necessary to creating the perfect cup of coffee.
Most Philips Senseo coffee machines have an automatic on / off function. This reduces unnecessary energy consumption and makes the machines safer. In addition, you also save money on your electricity bill.
All Senseo machines are tested more than 10,000 times. This is how Philips ensures their consistent quality and long durability. At the same time, you can also always be sure of getting a machine that works.
The whole machine works automatically from the touch of one button. This makes the Senseo machine very easy to operate. With this machine you get coffee and cocoa drinks at a reasonable price.

Senseo coffee pads

Your Senseo coffee machine makes coffee and cocoa with a pressure of 1.2 bar. It only takes 30 sec. to brew 145 ml. coffee. If you need a coffee-to-go quickly, this machine delivers. The machine can make drinks for many different cup volumes.
The coffee pads are usually made of ordinary paper fibres and a small amount of plastic. This is necessary to create a seal. Oxygen is used to bleach the original Senseo pads. Also, the volume of the pads is optimised to give the best result when you brew your coffee.
Inside the coffee pads you will find a finely ground coffee that is perfectly adapted to the unique brewing method. Depending on which coffee you choose, it will typically consist of the high quality Arabica and / or Robusta coffee beans.
The Arabica beans are the most popular coffee beans in the world and make up by far the largest part of total coffee production. The beans have a lower caffeine content and are sweeter in taste. With Arabica beans you get a coffee that can taste of chocolate, nuts, toast and / or honey. The beans vary in taste, often depending on where they have been harvested. In addition, the roasting of the beans also plays a big role in the taste.
The Robusta beans are coffee beans that contain a large amount of caffeine. If you need a coffee to invigorate you, you should choose a coffee with Robusta beans. The beans taste more bitter and sour than Arabica beans. For this reason, many coffee producers choose to mix the two bean varieties to provide a delicious and aroma-filled combination.
If you want to enjoy a coffee without caffeine, you can also get decaf Senseo pads.

Senseo coffee with different flavours

A Senseo machine can make whichever cup of coffee you want. It all depends on which coffee you put in the machine. If you are looking for a sweet coffee, you can get coffee with a mild aroma and a nice taste of sweet flowers. If, on the other hand, you are looking for coffee with a strong aroma, you can get a stronger cup with lots of fullness.
The largest selection of coffee pads can be found in the ‘black coffee’ category. Here you get both original coffee pads and compatible coffee pads for your machine. With these coffee pads, you decide for yourself whether you want to add milk or sugar.
To retain the heat of the coffee you can warm the little milk you add to the coffee.
If you love milk froth and always drink your coffee with milk, you can also buy coffee pads with added milk. This way you neither have to heat the milk for the coffee, nor buy it separately. With the coffee pads you can make a nice creamy Cappuccino or a delicious big cup of Caffe Latte.
Your Senseo machine prepares the entire Cappuccino or Caffe Latte with the press of a button. The coffee pads for your coffee with milk are thicker than the regular coffee pads. The content consists partly of coffee and partly of milk powder. This gives a nice aromatic taste and a creamy texture. With these pads it is no longer necessary to go to the Café to get a good cup of coffee.
If occasionally you feel like something other than coffee, you can prepare hot cocoa with your machine.

Senseo and Senseo pads

Senseo has made a coffee system for those who love a quick cup of wonderful coffee in good company. Senseo believes that coffee tastes better when enjoyed with others. On many of their coffee machines you can brew two cups of coffee at a time.

With your Senseo machine, you need never again brew too much coffee that eventually goes to waste. The machine always brews exactly as many cups as you need. With this machine you will not only avoid coffee waste, but it will always serve you a hot and tasty cup of coffee. You will always get the classic coffee taste in every single prepared cup.

Senseo coffee machines can create many different kinds of aromatic coffee - with and without milk. With the coffee pads, you never have to worry about making too much coffee. The coffee pads contain the perfect dose for a single cup of coffee. All you need take care over is the kind of Senseo coffee you like best. In addition to coffee, your machine can also prepare hot and creamy cocoa.

New hot drinks are constantly being developed for preparation with the Senseo machine. There will always be regular opportunities to try new and exciting drinks. It is a sign of quality when your freshly brewed cup of coffee comes with a delicious layer of foam on top. It gives the coffee a delightful creamy texture and a great taste. The foam layer is formed by the pressure under which the coffee is brewed.

Senseo does not brew Espresso, as a higher bar pressure is required when preparing this drink. The machine can, however, always produce a strong and aroma-filled coffee.

Philips Senseo machines

The Senseo machines were developed by Philips, which began as a manufacturer of lightbulbs. Originally from the Netherlands, Philips has significantly expanded its technological solutions since its founding in 1891. This has resulted in Philips today not only producing light bulbs, but coffee machines and high-tech appliances and machines for hospitals. There’s a lot of technology hidden in your Senseo machine necessary to creating the perfect cup of coffee.

Most Philips Senseo coffee machines have an automatic on / off function. This reduces unnecessary energy consumption and makes the machines safer. In addition, you also save money on your electricity bill.

All Senseo machines are tested more than 10,000 times. This is how Philips ensures their consistent quality and long durability. At the same time, you can also always be sure of getting a machine that works.

The whole machine works automatically from the touch of one button. This makes the Senseo machine very easy to operate. With this machine you get coffee and cocoa drinks at a reasonable price.

Senseo coffee pads

Your Senseo coffee machine makes coffee and cocoa with a pressure of 1.2 bar. It only takes 30 sec. to brew 145 ml. coffee. If you need a coffee-to-go quickly, this machine delivers. The machine can make drinks for many different cup volumes.

The coffee pads are usually made of ordinary paper fibres and a small amount of plastic. This is necessary to create a seal. Oxygen is used to bleach the original Senseo pads. Also, the volume of the pads is optimised to give the best result when you brew your coffee.

Inside the coffee pads you will find a finely ground coffee that is perfectly adapted to the unique brewing method. Depending on which coffee you choose, it will typically consist of the high quality Arabica and / or Robusta coffee beans.

The Arabica beans are the most popular coffee beans in the world and make up by far the largest part of total coffee production. The beans have a lower caffeine content and are sweeter in taste. With Arabica beans you get a coffee that can taste of chocolate, nuts, toast and / or honey. The beans vary in taste, often depending on where they have been harvested. In addition, the roasting of the beans also plays a big role in the taste.

The Robusta beans are coffee beans that contain a large amount of caffeine. If you need a coffee to invigorate you, you should choose a coffee with Robusta beans. The beans taste more bitter and sour than Arabica beans. For this reason, many coffee producers choose to mix the two bean varieties to provide a delicious and aroma-filled combination.

If you want to enjoy a coffee without caffeine, you can also get decaf Senseo pads.

Senseo coffee with different flavours

A Senseo machine can make whichever cup of coffee you want. It all depends on which coffee you put in the machine. If you are looking for a sweet coffee, you can get coffee with a mild aroma and a nice taste of sweet flowers. If, on the other hand, you are looking for coffee with a strong aroma, you can get a stronger cup with lots of fullness.

The largest selection of coffee pads can be found in the ‘black coffee’ category. Here you get both original coffee pads and compatible coffee pads for your machine. With these coffee pads, you decide for yourself whether you want to add milk or sugar.

To retain the heat of the coffee you can warm the little milk you add to the coffee.

If you love milk froth and always drink your coffee with milk, you can also buy coffee pads with added milk. This way you neither have to heat the milk for the coffee, nor buy it separately. With the coffee pads you can make a nice creamy Cappuccino or a delicious big cup of Caffe Latte.

Your Senseo machine prepares the entire Cappuccino or Caffe Latte with the press of a button. The coffee pads for your coffee with milk are thicker than the regular coffee pads. The content consists partly of coffee and partly of milk powder. This gives a nice aromatic taste and a creamy texture. With these pads it is no longer necessary to go to the Café to get a good cup of coffee.

If occasionally you feel like something other than coffee, you can prepare hot cocoa with your machine.